Saturday, March 2, 2013

Currently in March

March?! Where has the school year gone? We just finished our third quarter yesterday, and grades were due by 5pm. So hard to believe that the year is ending so soon! Anyone else get heart palpitations thinking about the gigantic to-do list that comes with ending a school year??

Here is my "Currently" for March. There has been a lot going on around here this month.

Listening to Ocean's 13. There is something about the Ocean's movies that is comforting to me. Maybe it's the music, the action, or the eye candy...

Loving my new MacBook Air! I got a great deal on it a few weeks back. My personal laptop was almost 10 years old, and my school laptop is a giant, slow brick, so I'm super excited to have this pretty, fast, functional machine!

Thinking about a nap. There's been a lot going on at home and school, and I haven't exactly been getting a lot of good, restful sleep. Today is about trying to catch up on some of that. I see a nap in my near future this afternoon.

Wanting to finish reading a book. I started The Perks of being a Wallflower last night. I'm about 2/3 done, and want to finish it today. Then I can see the movie.

Needing to clean the house. We had a minor rodent problem in our house. :( While I'm 99.9% sure they're gone, we now have to disinfect every. single. item. and every. single. surface. in our house. Ugh. The master bedroom, closet, and bathroom were done immediately, as was the kitchen. Now on to the rest of the house so we can actually "live" in it again.

Like - diet Coke (but I prefer Cherry Coke Zero).
Love - Disneyland! (I worked at Walt Disney World for 5 years after college, but Disneyland is MUCH closer to home now and much more cost effective to visit. I think a summer trip is in order this year.)
Hate - disaster areas (see 2/3 of my house right now. Again, ugh.)

That's it for this month's currently! Can't wait to see what everyone else has to share!


  1. I totally agree about the speed with which this year is moving! I keep looking at all that I have to do still, and wondering if time will slow down enough that I can cover everything!

    I love the Disney connection! Hubby and I were in Disneyland for Spring Break last year...our first time! It was fantastic!

  2. I am hoping to get a new laptop soon. Ours is old and slow and I mainly just use our desktop, but it is in the basement and I am ALWAYS cold so I would love to have a new laptop. Glad to hear you are loving yours. I am hoping to get a MAC laptop one of these days. :)

    Our family just took a trip to Disney World this summer. We love going to Disney. It's the best. We are already starting to plan another trip in about two or three years when our kids are a little older. Have a great weekend!

    Mrs. Pauley’s Kindergarten
