Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Bloglovin and My First Giveaway!

Hello fabulous followers!

By now, you have heard that Google Reader is going away on July 1. Nearly every blog I read is switching over to bloglovin, and many of them are having giveaways this week to entice folks to switch over. If you've already switched, this giveaway is a no-brainer! :)

To win extra entries, be sure to follow my page on Facebook (
I post there much more frequently), follow me on Twitter, and/or follow my Teachers Pay Teachers store, too. 

If you have not yet switched to bloglovin, or are not following this blog through bloglovin, then there are a few easy steps to follow.  

You can go to the sidebar and click the button that says Follow this Blog with bloglovin.  Or, you can go into the Rafflecopter below and click the link in the first entry, and that will take you to this blog on bloglovin.

You will need to set up an account with bloglovin so that you can follow me.  Please be sure to leave your bloglovin username in the Rafflecopter entry.  Then, view this post on bloglovin and "like" it (you'll see a cute red heart once you've done this).

Once you've done all of this, please enter my very first giveaway!!  I will be picking 3 WINNERS and each winner will get their choice of two products from my Teachers Pay Teachers store!

Please be kind and let me know if my Rafflecopter and/or link-up isn't working. It's my first try at both. :)

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. How fun a giveaway! glad I found your blog through this great link! Always looking for other fourth grade teachers.
    Rock Stars At Work

  2. Just found your blog through the linky and followed you on Bloglovin! It was my first time doing a giveaway too! :)

    Thinking in Third Grade with Mrs. Johnson's Little Prowlers
